Your dream team is on the way...
So, let's talk.
Recruiting can be challenging! Identifying the "right" fit for your organization's available opportunities takes time, focus, and collaboration. Between meetings with hiring managers to understand staffing needs and interviews with candidates to establish matches, there is no shortage of tasks and tactics during recruitment. By partnering with PTS, Talent Leaders and Hiring Managers receive unique support to find the perfect fit for their organization and teams.
PTS provides a customized approach to supporting your recruiting efforts by gaining a clear understanding of your role requirements as well as how your open positions fit into your organization's business strategies and culture. Prospective talent presented by PTS for your opportunities will not only possess the required qualifications for your available role, but also demonstrate commitment to your organzation's values.
You're an eager leader. But you're frustruated.
You don't have clarity about how new or vacant roles support your organziation's Mission and Strategy, and fit within your organization's Culture and Values?
You lack buy-in and commitment from Interviewing Team Members you know are critical to your organiziation's hiring process?
You need a strategically effective recruiting system that provides both and an efficient and collaborative recruitment process, and an exceptional experience for prospective Talent?
Partner with PTS.
Receive the support you need and deserve!
I'm Pascale, owner of Proctor Talent Services. I work with driven and innovative nonprofit and human resources leaders, encouraging clients to grasp their goals and own their Missions, all while unifying strategies around their most important asset: Talent!!
I provide support with criticial aspects of talent management and organizational development, particularly talent recruitment and strategic planning. I'm a people-person, and it lights me up to partner with eager and enthusiastic leaders who are ready to make transformations, no matter the starting line!

I have the skillset and knowledge and desire to support you as you tune your leadership capacity and create harmony between your goals, your talent management strategies, and your organization's Mission. I pride myself on being Mission-driven; I appreciate you and how much your work excites you--your ideal talent will appreciate you, too!

You can be the Talent Leader who will:
Speak confidentially about your organization's Mission and Vision, and the impact it will have in the world
Recognize what your ideal Talent appreciates from their ideal employer
Embrace other organizations as partners and not competitors in the candidate market
Master your leadership abilities and coach your internal leaders to do the same
Decrease turnover by developing strong talent
Define your organization's brand and attract the talent meant for your Mission
Launch talent management initiatives that clearly connect to your organization's goals
Develop programs that drive your Talent's ambitions, both personally and professionally
Collaborate effectively with colleagues at all levels in your organization's talent acquisition process
Effectively collect, manage and analyze data to support talent and budget-related decsion making

Are you ready for support?
PTS is ready to support YOU!
Complete the Recruitment Support Form below
and Schedule a Recruitment Strategy Call to discuss additional details, benefits and pricing!

"I have had the pleasure of working with Pascale and can honestly say that she is a wonderful recruiter and person. She is genuinely passionate about helping people and often goes above and beyond for both colleagues and clients. She is knowledgeable about staffing, resumes, and what makes a goof fit between person and position. I have benefited from her professional insight and advice and would absolutely recommend her!"
- Jillian B.
Operations Assessment Coordinator

"Pascale was a great person with whom to work. She was dedicated to producing quality products and would put in extra time and effort to do so. And through all the challenges that inevitably come with any project, she always kept a positive attitude!"
- Katie V.
Senior Manager, Marketing Strategy

"Pascale was a great colleague to work with; she executed her duties effortlessly with poise and professionalism. She was very helpful during a period when I was hiring, she conducted phone interviews, provided detailed feedback and suggestions for candidates who proceeded for next rounds of interviews and was instrumental in quickly wrapping up the hiring process. I highly recommend Pascale because of her good attitude, enthusiasm, attentiveness, collaboration and work ethic – she is simply a great person to work with. "
Duncan M.
Senior Manager, Grants & Contracts
Recruitment Support Form